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nominal maximum aggregate size中文是什么意思

用"nominal maximum aggregate size"造句"nominal maximum aggregate size"怎么读"nominal maximum aggregate size" in a sentence


  • 标称最大骨料尺寸


  • Nominal maximum aggregate size
  • The research results show that aggregate gradation and the nominal maximum aggregate size evidently influence the shear resistance of asphalt mixture ; aggregate flakiness content influences the shear resistance of asphalt mixture , and with the increase of aggregate flakiness content the shear resistance of asphalt mixture decreases ; asphalt binder properties , especially penetration , softening point and viscosity influence the shear resistance of asphalt mixture , and the latter increases with the decrease of penetration and the increase of softening point and viscosity ; asphalt content influences shear resistance of asphalt mixture , and with the increase of binder / aggregate ratio the shear resistance of asphalt mixture decreases ; air void influences shear resistance of asphalt mixture , and usually with the increase of air void the shear resistance of asphalt mixture decreases ; homogeneity does not have a direct and obvious relationship with absolute value of shear resistance of asphalt mixture , but does with variation of shear resistance of asphalt mixture
用"nominal maximum aggregate size"造句  
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